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Staying Grounded (A Rocky Harbor Novel Book 1) Page 15

  Since Lucy was busy helping Sage with an event, he spent the afternoon with his mom and Rachael and waited until the end of her workday to surprise Maggie. He tried not to glance at the time too often and had to tap down his excitement when the grandfather clock in the hall struck five. Workday over, he kissed his mom and Rachael goodbye and told them not to wait up.

  The familiar jolt in his stomach—that had been unfamiliar to him until he met Maggie—didn’t go away and only got more pronounced the closer he got to Maggie’s house. He only hoped she would be as happy to see him as he was to see her. He’d been tempted over the past month to call her, text her, send her flowers and let her know how much he thought about her, but he respected her need for space. Besides, what would he say? That he missed her voice? Too cheesy. He missed touching her? Too stalkerish. He missed her body? Too creepy. Yet all were true. And he missed her friendship. No other woman could compete with Maggie. She had everything he didn’t know he was looking for.

  Graham pulled up next to her car in the driveway and jogged to the front door, tapping his foot with nervous energy while waiting for her to open the door. Sweetie Pie hadn’t stopped barking, so she had to know someone was here. Unless she spotted his Jeep and was ignoring him.

  “Maggie?” he called through the door. “It’s me. Graham. Can you let me in?” No answer. “I’m only in town for the night and…” And what? Wanted to have a quickie before flying down to Florida? That was exactly what she didn’t want to happen. To be his Maine booty call.

  “Can we go out to dinner or something? I’m staying at my mom’s tonight. I just wanted to see you. Have dinner. That’s all.” Still no answer except the yipping. Graham leaned his head against the cool door and sighed. “Please? I miss you,” he said too softly for anyone, even the dog, to hear.


  Graham jumped and turned around. “Maggie.” She looked beautiful and sweaty from her run, her iPhone strapped to her arm and earbuds dangling around her neck.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I had a layover in Boston and came up from the night.” Maggie looked away, biting her lip and clenching her fists. “It’s not what you think, though.”

  “Really?” She returned her steely gaze on him. “Okay, mind reader, what exactly do I think?”

  “Dinner. I want to take you to dinner. I’m staying at my mom’s tonight. Even told her I’d be home around ten.” A lie that a quick text could fix.

  “Well, I’m busy. I’m going out tonight.” Maggie brushed past him and into her house, closing the door in his face. Of course she moved on. She left him that morning, message clear. Whatever they had going on was no longer. But Graham didn’t get this far in life by giving up so easily.

  He let himself into the unlocked house, squatted to pat the excited dog, and followed the sounds to the kitchen. Maggie had stripped off her tank and wore only a bright pink sports bra and tiny black shorts that molded to her thighs and butt.


  She whipped around and choked on her water. “What.” Cough. Cough. “Are you doing here?”

  “I told you. I want to take you to dinner.”

  “Yeah, well, I told you. I have plans.”

  “So what’s cooking?” He nodded to the oven, noticing the timer ready to go off in four minutes.

  Maggie glared at him and crossed her arms over her stomach. She never looked so beautiful. Strands of auburn hair that had come loose from her ponytail lay wet against her face, while her chest and face glistened with a layer of sweat. And despite running in the heat, he could still smell her signature scent of cherry vanilla.

  And her mouth. Pink. Full. Ready and needing to be kissed. He stared at it and groaned when her tongue peeked out and moistened her lips.

  “None of your business. Maybe it’s for my date.”

  Busted. “Maybe?”

  “Like I said, it’s none of your business. You can leave now.”

  She squirmed and blushed. Respecting her too much to push, he nodded his agreement. “I will, but answer this one question first.”

  She quirked a beautiful eyebrow and tilted her head in an attempt to be snarky, only coming off cute and enduring instead. He hid his smile. “Why are you so pissed at me? I thought we ended things as friends.”

  She bit her lip and stalled. “I told you I didn’t want to be your Maine booty call.”

  “I’m not here for sex. I came to take you out for dinner. If you can’t keep your hands off me, that’s not my fault.” He leaned nonchalantly against the wall, giving her space.

  Maggie bit back her smile and forced a scowl. “As you can see, I have dinner in the oven.” The timer went off and she gave a little told you so shake of her body. He couldn’t help but laugh.

  “And your date is going to arrive any minute? Better jump in the shower. I know how long it takes you to wash your hair.” He fought his smile, knowing his eyes gave away his teasing.

  “I’m not having sex with you.” She opened the drawer and took out hot mitts, slid them on, and opened the oven door. The heat from the oven lightly blew her hair as she bent over to pull out a covered dish. After every sexual fantasy he’d had of her over the past month, this one was new. Sports bra and tiny shorts, glistening with sweat, bent over an oven taking out food for her man. Yeah. He wasn’t getting any sleep tonight.

  Graham discreetly adjusted himself and rubbed his hand across his face and around his neck. He needed to tread carefully here. “That’s twice that you mentioned having sex with me. If you don’t think you can handle having dinner with me and not beg me to take you to bed, I’ll leave. I know very well how little self-control you have when you’re around me.” Maggie gasped and slammed the small dish down on the stove. He noticed one piece of chicken and a single serving of potato and vegetables. Company, my ass.

  “You conceited little—”

  “Sweetheart, there ain’t nothing little about me,” he drawled.

  “Out. Leave. Now.” She stormed up to him and pushed him toward the door, hot mitts still covering her hands, and slammed the door in his face.

  Damn. Now what? He’d give her time to cool off, shower, eat her dinner, and then he was coming back. Maybe her friend at the coffee shop was still around and could offer some advice.

  An hour later, laden with flowers, a bottle of wine, and a box of brownies from Coast & Roast, Graham was back at Maggie’s door. Mackenzie had been helpful. Her place had been closed, but he could see her through the window on her laptop. Lucky for him she lived upstairs and had come down to do some paperwork. She’d let him in, told him about the chocolate and wine night she had planned with Maggie, and agreed to let him go in her place.

  “Door’s open,” Maggie called from inside after he knocked. “Thank God you’re here. I need your advice. Graham came back and—” She rounded the corner wearing tiny shorts and a loose tank top, and coughed, nearly spilling the wine from her glass. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Mackenzie sends her regards. You look beautiful. Although I had no problems with your other outfit.” He winked, kissed her cheek, and continued past her to the kitchen. Knowing she wouldn’t accept the flowers from him, he rummaged through her cabinets looking for a vase.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Here. Would you mind filling it with water?” He handed her the vase and the flowers and continued rummaging through the drawers for a corkscrew.

  “You can’t come into my house and…and go through my things and…”

  “I brought red and white. Wasn’t sure which you wanted. But seeing you’ve already made a dent on that bottle,” he gestured to the half-empty bottle of red, “I’m thinking we’ll stick with the merlot. Refill?” He held up the merlot with an amused smirk on his face.

  Maggie kept opening and closing her mouth, confused and beautifully flustered. He wouldn’t let her win this one. “I have brownies as well.”

  “You’re evil. Pure evil. And I’m never talking
to Kenzie again.”

  “She said you’d say that. She says she loves you and if you didn’t want Mr. Sexy Ass, that she’d take him. I’m assuming she’s talking about me?”

  Maggie’s cheeks burned darker than the merlot. “I hate her,” she said before finishing off her glass and holding it out to him for a refill. “You can bring everything outside. I made a fire.”

  Graham grinned and gathered the loot, following her sexy ass outside. Her shorts showed off her long, toned legs and he didn’t think she wore a bra under her tank top, obviously not expecting company other than her best friend.

  He resisted all his urges to pull her close and kiss her. Keeping to the honorable track, he flirted, their conversation light and on superficial topics. He did, however, notice the dark bags under her eyes. Too caught up in the sight of her nearly naked body earlier, that hadn’t been where his focus was. And now under the light of the dancing fire, he could see her fatigue.

  “Things going well at work?”

  “Yeah.” She pulled her legs under her and wrapped her long fingers around her wine glass. “It’s actually pretty light. Summer isn’t a busy season, with so many people taking vacations and canceling appointments on the nice days.”

  “When was the last time you had a vacation?”

  Maggie snorted. “You sound just like my father.”

  Surprised she’d mentioned him, he asked, “You’ve talked to him recently?”

  She finished her wine and set her glass down on the ground, then wrapped her arms around her body. “My mom had a stroke a month ago.”

  “Maggie, I’m so sorry.” Graham leaned forward and reached for her hand. He stroked her soft skin as she told him about discovering her mom limp and unconscious on the bathroom floor, her father coming home, leaving, coming back again. She only stated the facts and left out the emotional side of the story, but he could read between the lines. Another man in her life coming and going.

  “He’s home for a few months and then everything will be normal again when he leaves.”

  Interesting. Normal when her dad left, not when he was home. Was that how she felt about him? Graham studied her, the fire sending shadows dancing across her stoic face. Even when exhausted from work, she never looked this defeated. “When was the last time you did something for yourself?”

  “I don’t know. There isn’t anything I really need to do. My life is fine.”

  He remembered how she lit up while flying over the ocean, being free. She told him of her adventures as a child, climbing a volcano in Japan, never mentioning any recent trips with her dad. None in her teens or after college. Graham liked putting that spark in her eyes and wanted to see it again. Before he could think about the repercussions, he pitched his newly drafted idea. “Come to Hawaii with me.”

  “What?” She withdrew her hand and stared at him.

  “It’s not a long stay. I’m scheduled to do a flight in a couple weeks. I can make it a two-day layover. Just enough time for us to explore the island, climb a volcano, do a luau or something.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  If he pushed too hard Maggie would get fired up and turn her stubborn streak on him. He waved the idea in front of her, tempting her weakness for travel, and backed off. “Think about it. I can book two separate rooms if you want. You need a vacation and I want to give you one. No strings attached. Unless you want to repay me with sexual favors. Your choice.” He kissed her lightly on the lips, retreating quickly before he lost control and stayed forever.

  “I have a ten o’clock curfew and don’t want to get grounded.” He winked. “I’ll call you later this week with the details.” Graham left before she could protest, smiling at his devious plan.



  “And he walked away? After dropping that delicious bombshell?” Kenzie picked up the last box of flour and sugar from her Prius and Maggie closed the trunk.

  “Yup. Hawaii. Can you believe he’d think I’d travel across the country with him?” Maggie held the door open for Kenzie and followed her into the storeroom in the back of Coast & Roast. “I mean, seriously. Like I’d up and run away with him. We’re not even…we’re not…he’s…”

  “He’s hot. You’re gorgeous, not that looks are everything, and right now you’re not looking for a relationship.” Kenzie settled her hands on her hips and gave Maggie her infamous stare-down. “We talked about this. No emotions. No feelings. Just raw, primal sex. And in Hawaii. I’m so jealous. I’d hate you if you weren’t my best friend.”

  Maggie picked at the hem of her T-shirt. “I can’t go, Kenz.”

  “You can go. You want to go. You’re just scared.” Kenzie finished putting away her stock and pulled Maggie into a hug. “I know you’re falling for the guy. Hell, you’re past falling. If you think this is only going to make getting over him harder, then don’t go. But it sounds to me like Graham doesn’t want to end this thing with you.”

  “Or his thing in Texas, Los Angeles and Timbuktu. He has women all over the world waiting for him to land in their territory so they can rip his clothes off.”

  “Now you’re being dramatic. So unlike you.” Kenzie headed out front to check on her employees, Maggie trailing behind. “Go grab a table. I’ll bring us some tea and brownies.”

  “I’m going to need to run an extra ten miles this week to burn off the hundreds of pounds of sweets you’ve been feeding me.”

  “You liked the brownies, did you?”

  “You know they’re my weakness.” She ate one with Graham and scarfed down a second one after he left.

  “And sexy pilots.”

  Maggie rolled her eyes and headed to her favorite couch. She heard Kenzie socialize with the customers before bringing over with their usual order.

  “I can’t turn into my mother, Kenz.”

  “Then don’t.”

  “Easy for you to say.” Mackenzie always had a free spirit, not caring what other people thought of her and living her life how she wanted. Her life hadn’t been easy, though. Engaged at nineteen and dumped when her fiancé`s girlfriend showed up at their apartment four months pregnant, she’d worked hard to keep her emotional distance from men. She’d had a few quick relationships since, and when the guy got too comfortable, or Kenzie started to lose her interest, she was open and honest with him, ending ties amicably.

  “When will you have another opportunity like this? Your dad is around for another few months so you don’t have to worry about Joan, your workload is light, and you get free air miles.”

  “He didn’t say that.”

  “Well, he invited you, and he’s a pilot so…two and two, you know?” Kenzie picked up a brownie and moaned while she chewed. “I do make kick-ass brownies.”

  “And you’ve always been so modest about it.”

  Kenzie grinned. “I know.”


  Maggie didn’t expect Graham’s name on the screen of her phone to cause such turmoil in her belly. Taking two calming breaths before answering, she slowly picked up. “Hello?”

  “Your flight leaves Boston at six p.m. on Thursday. You’ll be back late Tuesday night. I can make arrangements to get you to the airport if you—”

  “Oh, hi, Graham. Yes, I’m doing well. Is this a good time? No, not really. I’m actually getting ready for a date right now.” She slammed the door shut as she walked out into her backyard to pace and let the cool evening air blow over her heated body.

  “Hey, sorry,” Graham spoke softly. “I’m calling in between flights and don’t have a lot of time and wanted to get you the information as soon as—”

  “You’re assuming I’m coming.” The silence on the other end made her nervous. Yes, she had decided to break her heart one more time. Go big or go home, right? The background noise quieted and she could hear Graham’s labored breathing, like he was walking quickly.

  “Maggie.” He sighed. “This is all I’ve been thinking about for the past few days. Spending time with you. See
ing you again.”

  Damn her stupid traitorous heart for leaping at the sound of his voice. “Why Hawaii?”

  “I don’t know. I hadn’t really planned this. The idea just sort of…formulated. I already had a one-day layover so figured two wouldn’t be asking for too much. I can’t take a lot of time off right now.”

  “Why not Maine?”

  “I thought you’d want to get away. And I’ve never spent any time in Hawaii. I usually arrive and depart in the same day. I figured we could go exploring. Together. You’ll be spending almost as much time in the air as on the island but I figured you could use the time away.”

  Oh, how she really hated her O’Fallon hormones right now. Definitely inherited from her mother’s side. The damn sexy pilot knew all the right buttons. How to push them, when to push them, when to pull away. When to move fast and when to swoop in for the kill. Oh, he got her good. And she melted into a puddle of lust at his wish.


  “Really?” he practically yelled into the phone.

  “I’m only going for the volcanoes.”

  “Not for the sex?”

  She couldn’t help the smile escaping her lips. “I thought you were booking separate rooms.”

  “Uh, yeah. If that’s what you want.” She heard a loudspeaker in the background. “I hate to run, but I’m being paged. I’ll text you the flight information. I won’t be on your Boston flight, but I’ll catch the flight with you in Seattle. Bye, Maggie.”

  The next few days she spent every spare minute shopping, exercising, and packing. She still visited her mom and dad every day and made her father swear he wouldn’t take off, especially with her six thousand miles away. Having Benny home as back up relieved Maggie of some of her stress.

  Kenzie helped shop for a new bathing suit and clothes for her trip, and offered to watch Sweetie Pie. She dropped Maggie off at the airport, wiggled her eyebrows and told her to have lots of sex, before driving away.

  The six-hour flight to Seattle was fairly quiet. Graham had arranged for her to stay in a hotel since she’d be arriving late, and said he’d be at the airport at six in the morning to catch their flight to Hawaii.